Monday, 30 March 2015

Day 3: Alice's death

Today we filmed the scene of Alice's death. I set up the tent in my back garden as we would only need the interior scenes and it would be harder to set up a tent in the woods and not get anyone walking by in earshot of us. I used a video light on a small tripod and a portable light to light up Alice, and they are pretty much on the floor, which gives an eerie feeling as if they are kids telling ghost stories, which is a great effect and I'm glad I achieved it. I used two cameras on tripods so they could remain steady, one pointed at Alice face on, one from the side. This was done so we could get the stabbing scene looking right, as well as getting a shot of tracy behind the camera  so we know who is in the tent.
We filmed two takes of the scripted conversation, two takes of the stabbing from the side, and one scene of Tracy grabbing the camera and running out of the tent.

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